Your Quantum Brain is Waiting for This!


Dr Laura’s 2024 Offerings based on the new science of the Human Connectome Project!

Who are Laura’s Brain Network trainings for? 

Anyone with a background in BodyIntuitive or BodyTalk who would like:

  • To dive in the exciting new science and possibility of working with the brain’s networks

  • To support others in resolving:

    • Stuck emotional and behavioral patterns

    • Chronic inflammation

    • Limiting mindsets that are compromising vitality, success and joy

  • Expand your intuition into the realm of brain and mind-body networks

  • A supportive community with Dr Laura’s coaching to help you learn and heal

Brain Networks Mini-Course

An introduction to the new science from the Human Connectome Program. Learn about the Triple Network Control of the brain with your:

  • Salience Network: Support your Intuition, emotions and social brain

  • Default Mode Network: The “Demon” network is overconcerned with self, negative self-programming - everything you’ve done wrong and worries for the future. Conquer this internal doubt!

  • Central Executive Network: Your inner task master prioritizes and organizes your life! Is it working well, a workaholic or unfocused?

  • PLUS 6 Brain Network Strategies to apply to balance these 3 essential brain networks

  • Recorded e-course with brain charts available!

  • COST: $200

Mind-Body Networks Online Training

Fall 2024


  • Part 1: The 15 Brain Networks!

    • October 10-12th

  • Integration: Demos, Q&A, Practical

    • October 24th

  • Part 2: The Mind-Body Networks

    • October 31, November 1-2

TIME: 10am - 3pm Pacific | 1 - 6pm Eastern each day

The AMAZING CONTENT: Dr Laura will take you on a deep dive into the science behind your quantum brain networks that orchestrate your memory, attention, cognitive functions, mood, belief systems and consciousness!

  • The sensory networks

  • Language network

  • Attention networks

  • Neuro-Immuno network

  • Gut/Gut-Brain/Gut Microbiome network

  • Heart-Brain network

And More! Meet the cells and communicators of the brain and its networks!

Charts, Brain Network Strategies, Demos and Practicals to make it all accessible and usable for you and your clients!


  • $1250 Early Bird through Sept 30th

  • $1400 Late Bird

  • PAY in FULL or over 5 months

  • PRE-REQ: Elemental Reset

Don’t want to pay by PayPal?

  • Register with code NEEDINVOICE to pay with any credit card


  • NEED to cancel before content delivery starts? Not a problem. 5% cancellation fee applies.

  • Sorry, but we do not accept cancellations after content delivery

I was called to dive into the new brain science that moves beyond isolated anatomical brain areas and into the quantum electromagnetic fields of brain networks. But the results of this work have exceeded my wildest expectations! Inflammation resolved, stuck emotional and life habits transformed, new energy and inspiration! Hope you can join the new team of quantum brain workers we’re training this fall! It will be fun!
— Dr Laura Stuve